Congrès de Physiologie FEPS 2016 Paris


Congrès de Physiologie FEPS 2016 Paris





The French Society of Physiology and the Federation of the European Societies of Physiology wish to welcome you to the jointly-organized FEPS Congress in Paris (Centre des Cordeliers) for 3 days of high-level scientific gathering and workshops, from June 29 to July 1, 2016.

Formerly born in 1848, the “Association des Biologistes”, gave birth to the French Physiological Society (AKA “Association des Physiologistes”) in 1926, and was headed by well-known physiologists such as Claude Bernard (1887-1892), Brown-Sequard (1887-1892) and many others.

The Paris FEPS 2016 meeting will be the occasion to celebrate the 168th anniversary of the foundation of our society, the 90th birth anniversary of the Physiological Society, and also the 25th anniversary of the FEPS. It will mark our willingness to consolidate fruitful and scientific collaborations among all adhering European societies.

This meeting will be the occasion to highlight the pivotal role of Physiology as a major scientific discipline in the “omic” world. The meeting will focus on the importance of function versus gene in the context of translational research as well as evolutionary and integrative biology, including today’s major concern on environment (ecophysiology).

The local organizing committee will be chaired by Prof. JC Dussaule, and the national committee by Prof. G Lefthériotis (president of the french PS). Sister societies, such as the young African society of Physiology and Physiopathology born in Dakar in 2013, are welcomed to join us.

The meeting will include oral and poster presentations, symposia, keynote addresses and plenary lectures. Workshops and networking opportunities are highly encouraged. The meeting will be include the European Young Physiologist Symposium and the Teaching symposium on June 29, 2016.

Not to say that Paris and the historic place of Couvent des Cordeliers, right in the heart of Paris and close to the prestigious institution (i.e. Collège de France) will offer an exceptional opportunity for informal meetings, visits and extracurricular activities for those wishing to extend their stay. As the European Football Cup will be hosted at the same time in Paris, we strongly advise you to book your hotel accommodation at the earliest.

We hope to welcome you in Paris for an exceptional scientific and friendly meeting !

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CJN - Jeunes Néphrologues