Diplôme Européen de Néphrologie


Diplôme Européen de Néphrologie



Le Diplôme Européen de Néphrologie est sur le point de voir le jour.

Notez bien que les 100 premiers jeunes néphrologues inscrits seront pris en charge par l’ERA-EDTA!


The European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) Renal Section and Boards, and the ERA-EDTA Council are pleased to announce the inaugural sitting of a European Certificate Examination in nephrology, in March 2017. The aim of this exciting development is to further harmonisation of training in nephrology across Europe.

Registration through a dedicated portal is available from 26th October to 7th December 2016.

IMPORTANT! As an incentive for young nephrologists to take the exam, the ERA-EDTA Council agreed to offer the first 100 registering candidates, who are either under 40 or from one of the low income countries – 3 years’ free membership.  The low income countries are those defined in the ERA-EDTA membership categories under special discounted fees. (http://www.era-edta.org/page-15-31-0-31-membershipcategories.html)

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